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Thursday (10/12/2020), the French Language Education Study Program coordinated the mapping of study program cooperation with the Business and Industrial World (DUDI) and schools. Present at the meeting were lecturers from the French Language Education study program, Mrs. Nauli Trisnainy Siregar, SS, M.Pd as chairman of the Yogyakarta French Language MGMP, Mr. Imam Widodo as chairman of the Regional Leadership Council of the Indonesian Tourist Guide Association (HPI) Yogyakarta, Mr. Agus as the person in charge of the field French, and Mrs. Aning as treasurer of HPI Yogyakarta.
In this activity, various collaborative activities were designed to be carried out between the French Language Education Study Program, MGMP and HPI in the context of implementing the Independent Learning-Independent Campus curriculum. Through this latest curriculum, students are given the freedom or independence to study outside the study program and outside the university. With this collaboration, students can easily practice lectures in schools that have French as a subject and in the world of business/industry with HPI.
The collaboration with MGMP French will take the form of collaboration in PPL activities, student final assignments, training/training, PPM and lecturer training, as well as lecturer teaching activities. Meanwhile, the collaboration with HPI that will be carried out will take the form of internships, training/certification training, guest lecturing, student final assignments, as well as PPM and lecturer research.
This meeting will be followed by the signing of an Implementation Arrangement (IA) so that the collaboration formed has a written agreement and a strong foundation and can be accounted for by both parties implementing the collaboration. Through this collaboration with the Yogyakarta French Language MGMP and the DIY Indonesian Tourism Guide Association DPD, students can easily get off-campus learning to develop their French language skills in the world of teaching and tourism. Of course, students are free to choose what field they will pursue and develop outside the study program and outside the university. (Desi)
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