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On Friday 23 October 2020 at 08.30 a webinar was held entitled "Implementation of the Independent Campus Curriculum in the Form of Inter-University Study Program Collaboration". The webinar was presented by four Heads of the French Language Education Department from four universities: Dr. Roswita Lumban Tobing, M. Hum. from Yogyakarta State University, Dr. Tengku Ratna Soraya, M.Pd. from Medan State University, Dr. Subur Ismail, M.Pd. from Jakarta State University, and Dr. Mohamad Syaefudin, M.Pd. from Semarang State University. The event was opened by Dr. Sri Srejeki Urip, M. Hum. dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts UNNES.
Dr. Sri Srejeki Urip, M. Hum. explained that the Merdeka Belajar curriculum aims to encourage students to master various knowledge that is useful for entering the world of work. In addition, the implementation of the Merdeka Belajar curriculum can improve students' overall competency, job readiness, or create new job opportunities. After the event was opened by the Dean of FBS UNNES, the activity continued by showing the MOU cooperation document which had been signed by the four Heads of the French Language Education Study Program from UNY, UNJ, Unimed, and UNNES.
The first material was presented by Dr. Roswita LT., M. Hum. as Chair of the French Language Education Department at UNY. Then continued by Dr. Tengku Ratna Soraya, M.Pd. from Medan State University, Dr. Subur Ismail, M.Pd. from Jakarta State University, and ended with Dr. Mohamad Syaefudin, M.Pd. The four speakers explained that the Independent Learning Curriculum is the policy of the Minister of Education and Culture. One of the programs of the Independent Learning – Independent Campus policy is the Right to Study for Three Semesters Outside the Study Program.
The webinar session ended with student questions and answers regarding the implementation of the Independent Campus curriculum. Through this webinar, it is hoped that every study program participating in the independent curriculum will have the same perception regarding how the independent campus will be implemented. (pbpfrench)
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