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AMT (Achievement Motivation Training), Sikrab (Afternoon Gathering), and Leadership are part of a series of PKKMB Biennouvé 2021 activities to introduce freshmen of French Language Education at UNY class of 2021 to their new environment and provide enthusiasm for study.
The AMT-Sikrab activity was held on Sunday, September 26 2021 at 13.00 WIB with Fadel Muhammad (class of 2020) as the event guide. This activity has three core events, namely the delivery of material by the partiesIndonesian Français Institute (IFI), Maylila (class of 2016), and Imaspi who was represented by the UNY consul general, Lulu Nurmalityari (class of 2020). At the end of each material session, a question and answer session was held so that participants could resolve their curiosity. After providing the material, new students were invited to guess puzzle pictures as entertainment. Don't forget the announcement of the best PKKMB Biennouvé assignments carried out individually and in groups per cluster.
After AMT and Sikrab, Leadership activities were held on Sunday, October 3 2021 via Zoom Meeting. Leadership is an activity where new students gain new knowledge that they can implement in the lecture environment or in the community.
Leadership 2021 provides three materials delivered by three UNY French Language Education lecturers.Dr. Tri Kusnawati, S.Pd., M.Hum.started the Leadership activity by providing material on the theme How to Become a Leader, the second material was presented by Herman, S.Pd., M.Pd. with the theme Techniques for Conveying Aspirations and Ideas, then the final material with the theme Mass Control was delivered byDr. Drs. Dwiyanto Djoko Pranowo, M.Pd.
With the completion of the implementation of AMT, Sikrab, and Leadership, it marks the end of PKKMB Biennouvé activities in 2021. See you at PKKMB Biennouvé 2022.
(Alya Fadiyah, French Language Education student 2020)
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