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BIENNOUVÉ (Bienvenue Chers Nouveaux Étudiants) is a work program from the Cadre Development Department. BIENNOUVÉ is a series of new student admission activities which aims to introduce and help freshmen to adjust to campus life, as well as building closeness between FBSB UNY French Language Education students. The theme of BIENNOUVÉ 2023 is “Le Chemin Vers la Lumière”. This theme is the embodiment of a burning awakening within freshmen, the motivation that surges within them, the enthusiasm that flows so that they can become pioneers of the future, reviving a glorious legacy, unmatched enthusiasm, freshmen can explore new horizons, inspire revolution, and develop ideas that advance the world. Through BIENNOUVÉ in 2023, freshmen can hone attitudes of integrity, excellence and culture. An attitude that reflects that freshmen have the potential and ability to express themselves during their studies. The results obtained by them are an attitude of respect and tolerance between others. BIENNOUVÉ 2023 will hold a series of events, namely PKKMB (Introduction to Campus Life for New Students), AMT (Achievement Motivation Training), and Leadership-SIKRAB (afternoon gathering) which will be held in August – September 2023.
Introduction to Campus Life for Freshmen or PKKMB is an activity to introduce the campus environment to the freshmen in the transition process from school student to college student. These activities take the form of introducing department lecturers, introducing ORMAWA, as well as information about the Yogyakarta State University education system, both academic and administrative aspects. The activity was held on Friday, August 11 2023, 08.00 – 15.00 WIB, which was held in the Seminar Room on the 2nd floor, WS Rendra FBSB UNY Building. There is a presentation of material from Dr. Dott. Andi Mustofa, S.Pd., MA, as lecturer, and Putri Melisa, as representative of outstanding students.
Achievement Motivation Training (AMT) is a program designed with the aim of increasing the motivation of new students in both academic and non-academic fields. AMT will be held on Saturday, August 19 2023 at the Institut Français Indonesia (IFI). There was a presentation of material from Arya Seta and Wilfridus Pradnya, as representatives of IFI, as well as Zahida Aine Hawwa, a student who received the Bourse du Gouvernement Français (BGF) scholarship in 2022. Through this activity, it is hoped that freshmen majoring in French Language Education, class of 2023, can get a lot of motivation. to increase enthusiasm for learning French in achieving their dreams and increase enthusiasm for learning through tips and tricks on how to get scholarships through presentations by IFI-LIP and materials from outstanding students majoring in French Language Education. Apart from the presentation of the material, there is a BONJOUR HIPER agenda. BONJOUR HIPER is an introduction of HIPER (the French language education study program students association) to the freshmen which includes an introduction to the departments under HIPER management: from the management to the work program that can be used as an internship work program for new students.
Leadership-SIKRAB is a work program designed to build character and improve the abilities of new students, especially in the field of soft skills so that new students can gain experience in leadership. The activity will be held on Thursday, 28 October 2023 at 06.00-17.00 WIB in the Pancoh Turi Ecotourism Village. In the series of events, there was one presenter, namely Ninuk Purnaningsih, then continued with assignment games at several posts. Leadership activities can build and shape a leadership spirit, as well as increase knowledge about how to manage a committee or organization. Leadership also includes SIKRAB or afternoon gathering which is an event to familiarize new French Language Education students class of 2023 with seniors and peers. SIKRAB includes several assignments such as guessing games, catching fish, putting nails in bottles, and processing snake fruit.
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